GTS is a learned society, active in basic and applied research in the field of ecological technology, the aim of which is the integration of technical processes into the natural systems. The main basic research fields are ecological principles and evaluation methods. With reference to practical problems the society deals with biotechnologies of renewable resources (as bio-refinery processes, use of native organic wastes), the management of bio-resources (as closing material and energy cycles, recycling), as well as knowledge and technology transfer on the firm and regional levels (as integrated bioprocessing, integration of bioproceesses into regional economic systems), and academic education. GTS has been publishing as a periodical since 1993 the Contributions to ecological technology (German and English volumes).




[Start] [Aktuell]  [Ziele]   [Ökotechnologie]   [Arbeitsgebiete]   [Publikationen]   [Verlag]   [Lehre]   [Satzung]   [Kooperation]   [Kontakt] [Mitgliederbereich]